Friday, October 12, 2007

Royal Palace / Palacio Real - Madrid Photos

This is actually the back of the palace (or at least I assume the side facing "Campo del Moro" is considered the front, making this the back). Anyway, those doors are usually closed and I have no idea who's car that is or what it is doing there but it's kind of cool to see inside there.

So if you are wondering what is up with the "look" (as in post processing) it's a single RAW file tonemapped in Photomatix and then tweaked (levels and what not) in Photoshop. Gives it a gritty look with a lot of contrast (I also removed my circular polarizer halfway through the few shots I grabbed here but don't recall if it was on for this one or not).

I'm having a hard time deciding if I like this look or not. It's very dramatic but if I'm going to be trying to sell images like this as general stock should I just leave them "alone" (well I can never leave an image entirely alone, there is always improvement to be had in post).

Oh well... see it larger at Stock Photos Madrid.

- Justin

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