Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Eggcellent Food - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Today was my first day of adventure in the treacherously difficult jungles of food photography. I've never had much luck with it, and I've only tried it on a handful of occasions with little to no success. Alas, I think I have finally cracked the secret of this "eggnigma" with the cleaver use of lighting and a proper lens.

In this particular shot I'm using my new Nikkor 50mm F/1.8 prime and an SB-600 speed light (in wireless mode). As far as lenses and flashes go they are about as "bang-for-the-buck" as they come and on top of that I made a "softbox" light diffuser out of a shoe box!

Oh and if you still aren't eggxactly sure why I keep finding places to stick in an "egg," the dish pictured is a Spanish "Tortilla," Spain's version of an omelette.

- Justin

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Paseo / Stroll Series 3 - Madrid Photos / Fotos

So I headed over to the Rastro open air street market and the general area this morning for another "stroll" series. I probably would have hungout in the area longer and shot more had it not been so blazing hot! The dreaded month of August is almost here and as always, "aqui no hay playa!" =/

For descriptions of the photos head over to my flickr page.

- Justin

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Madrid Metro Map - Madrid Photos / Fotos

I came across a rather interesting image of what was supposedly one of the potential new designs for the Madrid Metro system official map, and when comparing it to the design that "won" back in April, I'm rather surprised this circular bliss hit the cutting room floor.

The original map (or "plano") that was previously in use dates back to the 1980's (and by no means looked "dated"). It had a very straight forward approach to its layout, utilizing angles where necessary and displaying all metro stops evenly spaced along their corresponding lines. The new map on the other hand (see below) at first glance just looks like a tightly compacted mess.

Here's a full sized PDF file version of the new Madrid Metro Map (4mb).

- Justin

Monday, July 23, 2007

Paseo / Stroll Series 2 - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Went for another stroll today and came across various interesting happenings and what not throughout the city. Here's a selection of shots.

As usual they are not necessarily in the order I took them (can't quite figure out how to get them to display properly in this iframe) but anyway, some of the photos have descriptions on my flickr account so head over there if curious.

- Justin

Friday, July 20, 2007

"Sometimes There's A Man," - Madrid Photos

"well, he's the man for his time and place." - The Big Lebowski

It's expat exposé time!

Meet the man, Phillip Stark. Apart from being the director of MAP Magazine and a frequent filmographer for production companies in Spain (not to mention the Discovery Channel and Travel Channel), he's one of my house mates... and he always leaves drunkenly consumed Sprint burrito wrappers around the house! *shakes fist*

Anyway, he has a nice camera... we had some nice fun.

Though I had intended on bringing you some politically shocking images of a facist (falange) rally that took place not far from my house, we decided the gathering was rather small and sad and so proceeded to make a mock video of the event.

Though our numerous Lebowski references to...

Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?
Walter Sobchak: No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of.

...didn't make it into the final clip, it was still all good fun. Stay tuned here or on mapmagazine.com for the video! Did I mention the former presenter of MoBuzz TV, Karina Stenquist, will be featured in it? And yes, even I make a couple guest appearances as "The Whisperer."

- Justin

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What The Diablo? - Madrid Photos

Is... is that... one of my photos on the front page of the new Map Magazine website? By George I think it is! Photo of the day? Who signed me up for this! Oh wait... oh ya... absinthe shots... shady "Stark" agreement. It's all coming back to me now...

That's right, some of my ramblings and photos of Madrid will be a daily feature on Map Magazine now, so check it out!

- Justin

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Under The Weather - Madrid Photos

So it's been a few days since I've uploaded or even taken any pictures (my stomach is punishing me for a bit of excess I partook in on Friday night) and thought I might as well take some pictures from my balcony and play around with some of the various photo manipulation techniques I've seen out there that I've been wanting to try for some time now.

So I offer on to thee, The Royal Palace in glorious HDR!

What is this witchcraft, you say? How can the the photo be so evenly exposed from darkest corner to brightest cloud? Why is it so beautiful and natural yet so horribly fake looking at the same time?


"HDR" stands for High Dynamic Range, it is basically a "melding," if you will, of multiple images taken of the same scene at different exposure settings. In this case I combined three exposures of the same scene (typically the more exposure levels the better) at three different exposure levels. One at the normal or "correct" exposure setting for the scene as well as one overexposed capture (too bright in general, but the darker portions of the scene are exposed properly) and one underexposed capture (too dark in general, but the highlights, clouds, sky, etc. are exposed properly). With the right software you basically get "the best of all worlds" from the various exposures you've supplied the software with and in the end achieve an image that is actually closer to how our human eye perceives the world (or so I've read :P), which makes for some awesome imagery!

- Justin

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I, For One, Welcome... - Madrid Photos / Fotos

... our new goat overlord.

Looking at these pictures, you've probably got some questions. In fact you are probably reading this right now just hoping that I will shed some light on what exactly this giant devil goat and it's horned followers were doing in the streets of Madrid this inconspicuous Thursday, July 12th of 2007.

Unfortunately, friends, I have no answers and I'm just as afraid of the implications these events point to as you are.

Long live The Goat!

- Justin

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Word Of The Day! - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Can you say "chavales?" I know you can!

Today's lesson, boys and girls, involves the word "chaval." If you happen to be British this word might be an easy one to figure out as it is awfully similar to the ever popular to use and abuse "chav." Though "chaval" doesn't always carry the same negative connotation as "chav" does in the English language (a good translation of "chaval" is the rather benign "lad"), I like to use it as such. That is to say, if I see some typical "bacalas" (rude boy Spanish club kids, good style and nice clothes need not apply) then the first thing that pops into my head (or sometimes drunken mouth) is a sneering and guttural "chavales." Try it out yourself. Find yourself a heavy accented Spaniard and ask him to pronounce this word properly. It's verbal bliss, I tell you!

Moving along, sometimes I like to stand out on my balcony and take candids of the people walking by below or just awesome panoramics of my view. On the days that I don't actually head out into the wild and offer up a picture of the day here on the blog, I may opt for the easy out and post a pic like this one here, replete with some chaval examples.


- Justin

Monday, July 9, 2007

It's Good To Be King - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Ok, ok. It wasn't actually the king or queen of Spain. Neither was it good ol' "Phil" and Leti. In fact, I have no idea who the two people in the back of that car were, but there sure was a lot of hubbub around them.

Almost an hour prior to this strange arrival the horse mounted royal guard was all lined up and waiting at the other end of the royal palace just so this car and its motorcade could pass "a lo grande."

(Note: I'll get a photo stream set up of all the pictures I got from this "event" once I get my flickr account organized).

- Justin

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Grain In Spain... - Madrid Photos / Fotos

On the way home from my girlfriends place I decided to pop into Plaza España and take a few shots since I just happened to have my camera with me. Those few shots turned into about 100 in twenty minutes or so and from looking at the monitor on the back of my D70 there were some promising ones. If it weren't for just one thing...

*Your fearless photoblogger cheerily arrives home and offloads his images*

Hmmm... It would seem I had been playing around with the low light settings the night before and forgot to set the ISO (sensitivity of the camera) back to a more reasonable 200 instead of the hyper sensitive 1600 it was on (smacks forehead). Though there were a number of good photos, the amount of "noise" (basically the digital version of film grain) in the shots was murderous.

I uploaded one to flickr anyway because the "noise" isn't too bad on this one at its size and it's still a pretty cool shot.

- Justin

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Paseo / Stroll Series 1 - Madrid Photos / Fotos

So it begins... sort of.

I plan on taking these "paseos" as often as I can as not only do I enjoy walking around Madrid and seeing what is going on but I have every intention of building up a stock images portfolio for the future (paying the bills doing something you like... can it be?!... let's hope so!).

So without further ado, I give you the first in a series of strolls through Madrid.

Path: Starting from my house I headed over to Plaza España. From there, up Gran Via to Callao. Down Preciados street to the true center of Madrid, La Puerta Del Sol. From Sol I head down the now pedestrian (and emergency vehicles) only Arenal (or is it Mayor? I always get those mixed up!). Along the Teatro Real into the Plaza Del Oriente with my last shot being of the sun kissed facade of the Palacio Real.

(Note: At the moment the pictures are not being displayed in the order they were taken, I will see if something can't be done about that).

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It's July. It's hot. - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Though I hope to get into the swing of things with this blog (i.e. regular images from around the city) it's hard to motivate oneself out of the cool and comfort of shade.

Alas, I have done some more tweaking to the blog and my flickr account and I'm still in the process of setting up some online stock photo accounts (more on that shameless self promotion at another date) so it's not so much in activity as it is non direct sun related activity.

Okay okay... I'll get out there soon!

- Justin

Monday, July 2, 2007

Technically Sunday - Madrid Photos / Fotos

The time stamps on these things are off... will have to figure out how to fix that.


Someone came across my photos on Flickr of the Orgullo Gay (Gay Pride) parade on Saturday and asked to display them (along with other photographers work) on his webpage, so go check them out! It's quite satisfying seeing ones work "published" on another website, even if it is technically just a blog! =P

Photos here: www.esta2.com

I'm also up on Map Magazine here: www.mapmagazine.com (thanks Phil!).

- Justin

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Orgullo Gay - Madrid Photos / Fotos

Its' 3 a.m. on a Saturday night, but not just any Saturday night...

50% of Madrid's population (and probably 100% of it's gay population -- okay maybe that doesn't add up, but you get the point!) are out partying in the streets right now and I just barely finished going through the some 650 pictures I took today at the orgullo gay (gay pride) parade here in Madrid. Needless to say I'm hot, sticky, tired and sore -- wait a sec, did I just say...!? Oh never mind! Check out a few shots I threw into a set on Flickr.com.

- Justin