Today's lesson, boys and girls, involves the word "chaval." If you happen to be British this word might be an easy one to figure out as it is awfully similar to the ever popular to use and abuse "chav." Though "chaval" doesn't always carry the same negative connotation as "chav" does in the English language (a good translation of "chaval" is the rather benign "lad"), I like to use it as such. That is to say, if I see some typical "bacalas" (rude boy Spanish club kids, good style and nice clothes need not apply) then the first thing that pops into my head (or sometimes drunken mouth) is a sneering and guttural "chavales." Try it out yourself. Find yourself a heavy accented Spaniard and ask him to pronounce this word properly. It's verbal bliss, I tell you!
Moving along, sometimes I like to stand out on my balcony and take candids of the people walking by below or just awesome panoramics of my view. On the days that I don't actually head out into the wild and offer up a picture of the day here on the blog, I may opt for the easy out and post a pic like this one here, replete with some chaval examples.
- Justin
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