Friday, August 24, 2007

Working For The Man - Madrid Photos / Fotos

New MAP advertising campaign? Go on... click it... you know you want to.

Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to update my blog over the past week or so, nor have I even really been taking that many photos as I've been spending most of my "productive hours" editing video.

I did have some time while I was capturing new footage to my computer to set up the above shot on my balcony and try out some off camera strobe photography on Phil. The final result was tonemapped in Photomatix and cropped/tweaked in Photoshop. Gives it sort of a Diesel advertisement feel.

Anyway, I'll be back into the swing of photo things soon enough I hope.

- Justin


Carl said...

Your photos are really good. It isn't easy to take good pictures, I try and fail often. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Spain.

This is blog about castles

maybe you like it and you want to see them

see ya
