Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Grain In Spain... - Madrid Photos / Fotos

On the way home from my girlfriends place I decided to pop into Plaza España and take a few shots since I just happened to have my camera with me. Those few shots turned into about 100 in twenty minutes or so and from looking at the monitor on the back of my D70 there were some promising ones. If it weren't for just one thing...

*Your fearless photoblogger cheerily arrives home and offloads his images*

Hmmm... It would seem I had been playing around with the low light settings the night before and forgot to set the ISO (sensitivity of the camera) back to a more reasonable 200 instead of the hyper sensitive 1600 it was on (smacks forehead). Though there were a number of good photos, the amount of "noise" (basically the digital version of film grain) in the shots was murderous.

I uploaded one to flickr anyway because the "noise" isn't too bad on this one at its size and it's still a pretty cool shot.

- Justin

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